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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Baby snacks!

So, as you maybe know I have a lot of sisters--I mean a lot! One of them is a baby, so she eats mushy stuff and puffy things most of the time. This week my mom said I didn't have to do my normal language arts book if I compared and contrasted some of her food. So, here is my review of her baby food pouches. For a review of the puffy things she sometimes eats, go to my mom's blog:

I tested three pouches because that is what we had in the pantry. We have had other brands in the past, but these were the ones we had now. I tried a Babies R Us, Beechnut, and Delmonte.

Here are my findings and some pictures:
Babies R Us
 size 4 ounces
 price, on sale, 50 cents
 comes in BPA free pouch
 Designed for babies 6 months and up-my baby sister is 11 months, and she didn't know how to suck on            these until last month one day--could just be her though
  At first I thought this one was really runny, but then my mom thought to shake it up and it wasn't, so shake
     this brand before opening
 When I looked at it, it had tiny specks of something in it--probably apples since it wasn't peas.
  It smells like grass and bad peas.
  The taste was very peaish, not like an apple at all.

Left was before shaking--see how much it spread? Right was after.

size 4 ounces
 price, on sale, 50 cents
 comes in BPA free pouch
 Designed for babies 12 months and up
 This one looked smooth, but kind of like applesauce too.
  It smells like applesauce too, which is kind of weird because there are no apples in it.
  The taste was like an apple and banana mixed.

DelMonte--these are not really sold as baby food
size 3.2 ounces
 price, 67 cents, there might be sales on these to make them cheaper, but we have never looked--they were
      just free when we bought some fruit cups for picnics so we had them
 comes in BPA free pouch
  I think this looks like a dead slug when I squeeze it out! That made me not want to eat it, but I did.
  It smells like strawberry.
  The taste was sludgy, tangy, and sweet.

 Here are all three lined up. I liked the Beechnut brand the best, but my mom says that might have just been the flavor and next time we do this we will have to get the same flavor in all of them.