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Monday, October 29, 2012

CiCi's Pizza 140 W. FM 1382 Cedar Hill, TX

I love to go to CiCi's, but since my toddler sister can't have dairy or wheat, we don't get to go very often anymore. Since our change bank was full the other night, we went though!  I like trying the different pizzas and stuff the best.  Plus I can eat as much as I want so long as I don't get sick.  My one sister brought back an entire plate of desserts!  She said she was going to share them, but then ate all of them except the one thing she didn't like which she gave the toddler who then got rashy and grumpy.  I liked these things they had this time when we first got there that tasted like bread sticks but looks more like the cinnamon rolls.  They ran out and didn't make more though. 

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