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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Baby snacks!

So, as you maybe know I have a lot of sisters--I mean a lot! One of them is a baby, so she eats mushy stuff and puffy things most of the time. This week my mom said I didn't have to do my normal language arts book if I compared and contrasted some of her food. So, here is my review of her baby food pouches. For a review of the puffy things she sometimes eats, go to my mom's blog:

I tested three pouches because that is what we had in the pantry. We have had other brands in the past, but these were the ones we had now. I tried a Babies R Us, Beechnut, and Delmonte.

Here are my findings and some pictures:
Babies R Us
 size 4 ounces
 price, on sale, 50 cents
 comes in BPA free pouch
 Designed for babies 6 months and up-my baby sister is 11 months, and she didn't know how to suck on            these until last month one day--could just be her though
  At first I thought this one was really runny, but then my mom thought to shake it up and it wasn't, so shake
     this brand before opening
 When I looked at it, it had tiny specks of something in it--probably apples since it wasn't peas.
  It smells like grass and bad peas.
  The taste was very peaish, not like an apple at all.

Left was before shaking--see how much it spread? Right was after.

size 4 ounces
 price, on sale, 50 cents
 comes in BPA free pouch
 Designed for babies 12 months and up
 This one looked smooth, but kind of like applesauce too.
  It smells like applesauce too, which is kind of weird because there are no apples in it.
  The taste was like an apple and banana mixed.

DelMonte--these are not really sold as baby food
size 3.2 ounces
 price, 67 cents, there might be sales on these to make them cheaper, but we have never looked--they were
      just free when we bought some fruit cups for picnics so we had them
 comes in BPA free pouch
  I think this looks like a dead slug when I squeeze it out! That made me not want to eat it, but I did.
  It smells like strawberry.
  The taste was sludgy, tangy, and sweet.

 Here are all three lined up. I liked the Beechnut brand the best, but my mom says that might have just been the flavor and next time we do this we will have to get the same flavor in all of them.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sam's Southern Eatery Shreveport, LA (not sure which location though--it was by a hospital)


I recently stopped at a run-down place to eat. I didn't want to stop because
it didn't really look safe or good to me.

The menu and some chicken my dad ordered. The chicken was pretty greasy, and I don't like big chicken wings like that very much. My mom and dad both loved the food they got though.

Here are some of the run-down things I noticed. The glass was foggy and there was broken glass in the flower bed outside, the trim was broken, even the bench was broken.

Here is the cashier/worker guy. He was talking on the phone the whole time we were here which was
like an hour or two. I don't think that is good manners. At Chick-fil-a and Taco Bell and stuff
 people don't talk on the phone so long.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Taco Bell--again!

Taco Bell has some new grillers.  They have beefy nacho, spicy buffalo chicken, and loaded potato.  The cashier said the best was the loaded potato.  I think the best was beefy nacho.  It was delicious.  It had red nachos inside and cheesy sauce.  It was so good.  The potato one reminded me of tator tots which I don't really like.  The spicy chicken one was a little bit too spicy for me--I like spicy stuff, but not that.  I would recommend you try them.

Monday, October 29, 2012

CiCi's Pizza 140 W. FM 1382 Cedar Hill, TX

I love to go to CiCi's, but since my toddler sister can't have dairy or wheat, we don't get to go very often anymore. Since our change bank was full the other night, we went though!  I like trying the different pizzas and stuff the best.  Plus I can eat as much as I want so long as I don't get sick.  My one sister brought back an entire plate of desserts!  She said she was going to share them, but then ate all of them except the one thing she didn't like which she gave the toddler who then got rashy and grumpy.  I liked these things they had this time when we first got there that tasted like bread sticks but looks more like the cinnamon rolls.  They ran out and didn't make more though. 

Arby's 222 E FM 1382 Cedar Hill, TX

Not too long ago, Arby's was letting us try their new sandwiches.  Normally, I don't really like to eat there.  I ordered the Grand Turkey Club.  Can you tell I like bacon?  It was good because it had so much bacon!  My cool mom also ordered me a milkshake even though I had to share with my goobery sisters.  It was really good too.  I don't think their fries are all that good though.

Dick's Uptown Cafe 610 Uptown Blvd. Cedar Hill, TX

After Cedar Day on the Hill, we went to Dick's Uptown Cafe.  Since I am getting older I decided not to order from the kid's menu.  So, I tried the BLT.  It came with Fritos, a sandwich, and a pickle.  It was really good.  It had so much bacon!  The tomato didn't taste quite ripe though so I took it off.  I gave mom my pickle too because I don't like them.  I also tried some of her taco salad. It was pretty good, but I don't rememebr it as much as my bacon!  She really liked the special ranch dressing on it though--she talked about it the whole time.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Win Bob's 327 Rankin Avenue, Dunlap, TN

We went to Win Bob's when I was visiting my Go-Go and Choo-Choo.  They had this really cool challenge where you could eat a burger as big as your face and a pound of french fries.  If you win, then you get your picture on the wall.  It cost 11 dollars or something.  My dad did the challenge.  And he won just in time!  I had a burger half as big as my face.  It was really good.  I had some fries too.  They were pretty good.  Choo-Choo had this burger with cheese sticks and BBQ sauce and stuff.  It looked pretty good too.